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Selektivni oblici turizma/Special Interest Tourism,
2nd edition. VTŠ: Beograd,
Poslovanje turističkih agencija/The Business of Travel Agencies,
3rd edition
VTŠ: Beograd, 2013.
Selektivni oblici turizma/Special Interest Tourism. VTŠ: Beograd,
Turističko vođenje: teorija i
Guiding: Theory & Practice.
Beograd, 2011.
Belgrade Fortress. Intersistem-Kartografija: Beograd, 2011.
Beogradska tvrđava/Belgrade
Fortress. Intersistem-Kartografija: Beograd, 2010, 2011.
Poslovanje turističkih agencija/The Business of Travel Agencies
VTŠ: Belgrade, 2010.
Beogradska tvrđava na dlanu/Belgrade Fortress in Your Hands. Komshe:
Beograd, 2006.
Textbook chapter
Turističko vođenje u funkciji interakcije destinacija -
posetioci. In: Popesku J. (Ed.), Menadžment turističke destinacije,
FTHM, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2008, pp.191-211.
Journal article
Vođene ture u kontekstu verskog turizma: primer turističke agencije
Dobročinstvo. Turističko poslovanje
1 1,
2013, pp. 61-71.
Verbalna i neverbalna komunikacija u turističkom vođenju (Verbal and
non-verbal communication in tourist guiding).
Turističko poslovanje 10,
2012, pp. 17-28.
Interpretation of cultural heritage in the form of a guided tour: "Sightseeing
of Belgrade Fortress".
Turističko poslovanje 8 (special
edition in English),
2011, pp. 25-42.
Mračni turizam u
teoriji i praksi
(Dark tourism in theory and
Hotel link,
17/18, 2011, pp. 35-48.
American Tourists’ Perceptions of Tourist Guides
in Belgrade.
UTMS Journal of Economics,
2(2), 2011, pp. 151-162.
Sportski i avanturistički turizam - neki teorijski i praktični aspekti
(Sports and advanture
tourism: some theoretical and practical aspects).Turističko poslovanje 7, 2011, pp. 81-94.
Teorijski koncepti turističke atrakcije
(Theoretical aspects of
tourist attraction). Singidunum revija, 7(2), 2010,
pp. 233-246.
Vođene ture u savremenom turizmu
(Guided tours in
contemporary tourism).
Singidunum revija, 7(1), 2010, pp. 117-129.
Interpretacija spomeničkog nasleđa: razgledanje Beogradske
(Interpretation of
cultural heritage: The sightseeing of Belgrade Fortress). S ingidunum revija, 6(2), 2010,
pp. 166-179.
Turističko vođenje u Srbiji sa posebnim osvrtom na pravnu
Turističko poslovanje 5, Visoka turistička škola strukovnih
studija, Beograd, 2009.
Turisticko vođenje iz perspektive održivog turizma
(Tourist guiding from
the perspective of sustainable tourism).Turističko poslovanje, 3, 2009, pp. 37-54.
Emocionalni rad u turističkom vođenju
(Emotianal labour in
tourist guiding).
Hotel link, 12, 2009, pp. 107-114.
'Dobar hotel' iz perspektive organizovanog grupnog
('A good hotel' from the
perspective of group package tour). Hotel link, 11, 2009,
pp. 45-54.
spomenickog nasleđa u formi vođene ture
(Interpretation of
cultural heritage in the form of a guided tour). Turističko poslovanje,
2, 2008, pp. 77-96.
Istorijsko poreklo i razvojni put turističkog vođenja
(Historical origin and
evolution of tourist guiding). Turističko poslovanje,
1, 2008, pp. 130-144.
Turistički vodiči kao medijatori u kulturnom turizmu
(Tourist guides as
mediators in cultural tourism).
Hotel link, 9-10, 2007, pp. 1041-1047.
Conference paper
Special-purpose travel in ancient times:
"Tourism" before tourism?
Published in: M. Skakun (ed.),
Proceedings of the 2nd Belgrade
International Tourism Conference (BITCO): Thematic Tourism in a Global
Environment: Advantages, Challenges and Future Developments, Belgrade,
March 27-29, 2014 (pp. 99-114).
City break holiday - a form of
special interest tourism? The 6th Biennial
International Congress HOTEL PLAN, Belgrade, November 28-29, 2013.
Gastronomija kao turistička atrakcija.
IX Međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum
'Hotelska kuća', Zlatibor, 30.10-01.11.2013.
Guided Tours
in the
context of religious
tourism: the case of
"Dobročinstvo" travel
agency of the
Serbian Orthodox Church.
Published in:
Dineke Koerts & Phil Smith (eds.)
Conference Proceedings of the 3rd International Research Forum on Guided Tours, April 4-6, Breda – The
Netherlands (pp. 141-152).
The Tomb as
Tourist Attraction: The House of Flowers in Belgrade.
1st Belgrade International Tourism Conference: Contemporary Tourism:
Wishes and Opportunities (Belgrade, Serbia), March 2012.
American Tourists’ Perceptions of Tourist Guides
in Belgrade. 2nd
Biennial International Scientific Congress:
Influence Of Tourism On Economic Development, University of Tourism
and Management (Skopje, FYR of Macedonia), April 2011.
Tour Guiding as Profession: Perceptions and Self-perceptions of Guides in
Serbia. 2nd
International Research Forum on Guided Tours, University of Plymouth
(Plymouth, UK), April 2011.
Uloga domicilnog turističkog
vođenja u razvoju destinacije.
Međunarodni kongres o regionalnoj
saradnji na području turizma jugoistočne Evrope (Portorož,
Slovenia), June
Professional Tourist Guiding: The Importance of Interpretation for Tourist
Experiences. International Congress of
Tourism and Hotel Industry: New Trends in Tourism and Hotel Management, FTHM (Opatija, Croatia), May 2010.
Tourist Guiding from the perspective of sustainable
and ecotourism.
International Conference:
Sustainable Tourism: Issues, Debates & Challenges, TEI of Crete & Bucks New University (Crete & Santorini,
April 2010.
Percepcije i samopercepcije turistickih vodica u Srbiji.
HOTELPLAN: The Fourth Biennial International Congress, The College of
Hotel Management (Belgrade, Serbia), April 2010.
Tourist Guides in Contemporary Tourism.
International Conference on Tourism and Environment,
International University
Philip Noel-Baker (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina),
March 2010.
The Creative Role of Tourist Guiding.
International Tourism: Conference Cities as Creative Spaces for Cultural
Tourism (Istanbul, Turkey), November 2009.
Tourist Guides as Cultural Heritage Interpreters: Belgrade Experience with
Municipality-sponsored Guided Walks for Local Residents.
International Tourism Conference: Cultural and Event Tourism: Issues
& Debates (Alanya, Turkey), November 2008.
Turistički vodiči kao
medijatori u kulturnom turizmu.
HOTELPLAN: The Third Biennial International Congress, The College of
Hotel Management (Belgrade, Serbia), November 2007.
Paper /Abstract
prepared for or accepted by forthcoming conferences
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